Knoxville Mayor Urges General Assembly to Pass Red Flag Laws During Special Session

Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon released a statement on Thursday in support of Governor Bill Lee’s call for a special session in the General Assembly, set to convene on Monday.

“As Mayor of Knoxville, public safety is my top priority. I support the Governor’s call for a Special Session to consider legislative measures to make our communities safer,” Kincannon’s statement said. “While there are many perspectives on how to accomplish these goals, the conversation must continue to include all parts of our state and all communities.”

Kincannon (pictured above) went on to reveal that she and her family were present at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville shooting in July 2008, adding that she can “recognize the long- lasting impact gun violence can have on victims, survivors and loved ones.”

The mayor then pivoted to advocating for the passage of bills in the following legislative areas that she believes would “benefit” Knoxville, including:

  • More resources for mental health in the Knoxville region;
  • Support for mental health orders of protection;
  • Stronger domestic violence orders of protection;
  • Additional laws around safe storage of weapons; and
  • Universal background checks for all firearm sales.

After describing steps her administration has taken to address public safety in Knoxville, Kincannon added, “There is much more to be done, but I am hopeful that the conversation during this specially called legislative session will help move Knoxville and the entire state toward a safer tomorrow.”

Kincannon’s call for mental health orders of protection, otherwise known as red flag laws, comes as a member of the Tennessee General Assembly Tuesday recently told The Tennessee Star that the governor will not ask Republicans to submit a bill for such laws during the upcoming special session.

State Representative Jason Zachary (R-Knoxville) said in an emailed statement to The Star, “The Governor is not pushing any type of gun control legislation nor is he pushing red flag legislation. I was on the legislative task force the Governor pulled together to discuss options. He never once brought up or asked us to support a red flag law during the 3 meetings we discussed specific topics.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “Indya Kincannon” by Indya Kincannon.





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10 Thoughts to “Knoxville Mayor Urges General Assembly to Pass Red Flag Laws During Special Session”

  1. Sim

    Where do these people get the idea that taking guns away from people will stop people from killing other people??

    Don’t they know that history shows “GOVERNMENTS MURDERED”…..”MILLIONS” after disarming the people.

    Some of these people never grew up enough to stop “Day Dreaming” and face reality.

    And they certainly don’t know anything about the Constitution,
    The Tenth Amendment limits government’s authority to legislate/regulate to the “Enumerations”,

    and Madison excluded the “Bill of Rights” from those enumerations.

    “Expressly Stipulated Rights” (Bill of Rights) can not be denied according to “LAW”,

    Yet Government claims “Implied Power” under the commerce powers to pass gun laws when no power was Enumerated to legislate/regulate the Bill of Rights.

    Government says they can deny the Second Amendment, Stipulated Rights says they can not.

    “LAW” will not allow a document that contradicts it’s self.

    You have to violate the “Principles” on which “LAW” is based to get the kind of interpretation government’s are claiming.

    It’s all a “LIE”.

    “It has been said, that in the Federal Government they (Bill of Rights) are unnecessary, because the powers are enumerated and it follows that all that are not granted by the Constitution are retained, that the Constitution is a bill of powers, the great residuum being the rights of the people”.

    (The Annals of Congress, House of Representatives, First Congress, 1st Session, pp 448-460. (page 455)

    “All authority belongs to the people… In questions of power let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief with chains of the Constitution”.
    T. Jefferson.

    “IF in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, (though it) may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.
    G.Washington’s Farewell Address.

    The Constitution make no exceptions for an “instrument of good” such as Red Flag, Drunk Driving, Crime Statics laws to deny rights,
    all are clearly violations of law and the Constitution.

  2. Dwayne Oxford

    Yup, lucifer’s dimmercrap’s cities, stinking up the whole state.

  3. The Professor

    We can replace Kincannon in the upcoming election. I note the FEW people who have her campaign sign in their yard were the same one’s that had Biden-Harris signage in 2020. Please get out and vote and let’s get a mayor who is competent.

  4. mikey whipwreck

    clown does clown things, news at 11

  5. Randall Davidson

    Release the manifesto Ms. Knoxville mayor…….still waiting…..

  6. Robert

    Hard to believe that the Knoxville I knew would ever elect such a noxious individual to the mayor’s office.

  7. gferg

    Just another university town ultra leftist. Given half a chance she’ll turn Knoxville into another San Francisco or Portland.

  8. Joe Blow

    Randy – My thoughts exactly. But she could not pass up the opportunity to put her hand out for more tax dollars while at the same time getting some publicity. She must be feeling neglected.

  9. Dr Ken

    Mayor, if you had done your homework you would have discovered that Red Flag laws do not work. Enforcement of existing laws, to include violator prosecution, off the same protection. This will be yet another unforced law on the books that politicos can spin their wheels saying they either supported or opposed depending on the audience. Lapses in criminal prosecution occur in liberal areas and yes mayor, that includes Nashville. Support law enforcement, hold district attorneys accountable. You lack authority to dismiss negligent DAs but you can, like us, petition the governor to fire the inept as has been done by Governor DeSantis. Mayor, get to work, quit grandstanding for a headline.

  10. Randy

    I thought Kincannon’s top priority was sidewalks, diversity, equity, inclusion, abortion on demand, hiding information from the public, raising taxes, reparations, increasing crime, homeless/hopelessness and giving Randy Boyd a handout to build a baseball field.
